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关于对路边摊的研究 |
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关于对路边摊的研究 |
作者:温岭中学 文章来源:温岭中学 点击数: 更新时间:2009/1/2 9:56:12 |
: 点击数:7 更新时间:2008-12-29 |
大班-小班-- 200705A1 小组成员-- 凌静、江佳佳、江晓敏、王霜霜、陈怡、胡秋霞 负责人-- 凌静 指导教师-- 郭敏娟 相关学科-- 化学、语文、思想品德 主导学科-- 语文 中文摘要-- 冬天冷风包裹着寒气,伴随着寒气的入侵,街边烧烤、水煮也热闹了起来。放学后学校路口弥漫着烧烤、水煮味。许多学生围着摊点买烧烤。但地面垃圾一片狼藉,卫生情况到底怎么样呢?正值身长发育的学生可以吃吗?随着社会的发展,人们越来越关注食品的营养,身体的健康。17、8岁的学生更加注重食物的调配。为了青少年的健康,我们小组关注着摊点的食物,研究食品、调味剂、烧烤器具的卫生状况。 英文摘要-- We see from low to high in some sort of the customs and culture, traditional culture and maintain, which is a emotional needs of the people's lives will affect the degree of convenience accounted for 23%, low purchasing power of the population unable to meet consumer needs by 24%, and accounted for The highest increase in employment of laid-off unemployed people more difficult. We can see that people in the real point of view, the actual street vendors can solve two problems: one is to facilitate the issue of the purchaser's needs, there is a very important reason is to say, to resolve a number of laid-off unemployed groups Employment. But the same token, 10% of people think that street vendors are a nuisance to the community, and indeed a number of street vendors-density areas, such harassment is also common. 关键字-- 路边摊|烧烤|卫生 研究意义-- 研究出路边摊食品的卫生情况,了解路边摊的不利于人的健康,从而杜绝它们。使青少年健康快乐地成长。
背景-- 50元“学费” 博摊主信任
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