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学校生活中的陋习及影响 |
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学校生活中的陋习及影响 |
作者:温岭中学 文章来源:温岭中学 点击数: 更新时间:2009/1/2 9:57:33 |
: 点击数:3 更新时间:2008-12-29 |
大班-小班-- 200711A2 小组成员-- 颜竞峰 叶林 王鹏 吴爱力 负责人-- 颜竞峰 指导教师-- 夏冰姿 林敏燕 相关学科-- 生物 主导学科-- 化学、物理 中文摘要-- 1、不分场合地点随地吐痰; 2、乱扔垃圾、污物,尤其是从车窗往外“天女散花”; 3、不遵守交通规则,无视红灯的存在,在过往车辆中侥幸穿梭; 4、占道经营,使属于公共的场所越来越小,道路越来越窄; 5、夏天露天烧烤,烟熏火燎,乌烟瘴气,再加上光着上身、穿着拖鞋的食客,实在有伤大雅; 6、在墙上、电线杆及广告牌上胡乱涂鸦或张贴广告; 7、上下车不排队,以“挤”为乐,不给老弱病残孕让座; 8、不爱护公物,主要体现在对公共财产的破坏,对绿地的践踏,对水资源的浪费; 9、居民小区内宠物云集,随地大小便; 10、有过街天桥不走而翻越护栏
英文摘要-- 1, regardless of location occasions spitting; 2, litter, dirt, especially from out of the window, "Tiannvsanhua"; 3, non-compliance with the rules of the road, ignoring the red light on the existence of luck in the past in the shuttle vehicle; 4, Zhandao operation, so that the public is getting smaller and smaller place, more and more narrow roads; 5, open-air summer barbecue, Huoliao smoke, smoke, combined with an upper body polish, wearing slippers of customers, it is Daya injury; 6, the walls, poles and billboards put up on random graffiti or advertising; 7, do not get off the line up in order to "squeeze" for the music, not to pregnant sick seat; 8, not caring for public property, mainly in the destruction of public property, of trampling on the green, the waste of water resources; 9, area residents gathered inside the pet, urine everywhere; 10, there is no bridge across the street and go over the guardrail
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