摘要中文-- 浙菜体系,具有悠久历史的浙江菜品种丰富,菜式小巧玲珑,菜品鲜美滑嫩、脆软清爽,其特点是清、香、脆、嫩、爽、鲜,在中国众多的地方风味中占有重要的地位。浙菜主要有杭州、宁波、绍兴、温州四个流派所组成,各自带有浓厚的地方特色。
摘要英文-- ZHE CAI system in Zhejiang Province has a long history of rich varieties of vegetables, small and dishes, delicious food, crisp refreshing soft, which is characterized by clearly defined, Shannon, crisp, tender, cool, fresh, a large number of places in China occupies an important flavor status. There are ZHE CAIHangzhou, Ningbo, Shaoxing, Wenzhou, composed of four schools, each with strong local characteristics.
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