nbsp;infectious disease, admits cancer person not to take likely the infectious disease such quarantine measures. Tumour hospital's medical care personnel, their cancer disease incidence rate is not higher than the common crowd. The animal experimentation confirms, will contract the cancer animal and the healthy animal long-term pass in the same place, passes through observes repeatedly and inspects, also has not seen has any infection phenomenon. therefore everybody must be clear, the family member friend cancer, cannot worry the infection, but should accompany them, the offer is warm and the compassion, will be like this only then advantageous to the patient condition will soon restore.
关键词-- 绝症|治疗, 绝症|治疗
罗列研究资料-- 1.癌症的定义. 2.癌症防御 3.癌症的特征
研究结果-- 人们对癌症的认识还不全面,多有误解
研究结果分析-- 癌症被称为“世纪杀手”,其危害可见一斑。但由于人们对其认识不够深刻,我们希望通过我们的研究是人们对其抱有的疑问及误解得到消除,全世界每年死于癌症人数仍不断攀升,这敲响了警钟,现实告诉我们,了解癌症,预防癌症,刻不容缓。
研究建议-- 组选题适当,符合中学生的实际情况,具有可操作性。各组员分工明确,团结协作,对于论文的前期工作都做了精心准备。讨论热烈,每一步骤都认真对待,从选题,到开题,到调查报告都做得有模有样,相信成文时这将是一篇不赖的文章。
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