p;life in a fun added. And its a waste of time at home playing games, playing computer, it is better to do small things, waste utilization, DIY their own look, you will find that there is no computer world is so wonderful! 关键词-- 物理 灯 罗列研究资料-- 物理书本|网上资料复印件|电灯泡|导线|电池 研究结果-- 研究出来了生活哲理和小电灯 研究结果分析-- 小灯的组成,简单的说就是导线是否与灯和电池接触,要能控制它的开关,需要按键,且后面与导线接触并与电池联通,确保这一点就行了! 研究建议-- 希望能更大胆些,试试大的那种充电式的,上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页 |