要求,而占绝对大比例的隔代教育又有诸多不尽人意处,这种状况容易导致留守儿童"亲情饥渴",心理健康、性格等方面出现偏差,学习受到影响。 营造一个关爱“留守儿童”的社会环境,对于家庭、学校和政府来说,是义不容辞的责任。只有社会各界共同关注, 多方位、多角度地采取相应措施,并建立起一套行之有效的机制,才能使“留守儿童”受到正常、健全、完善的教育,让他们和同龄人一样健康快乐的成长,进而使外出务工人员更好地服务于我国的现代化建设。
摘要英文-- Care to create a "rear children" social environment for families, schools and the government is duty-bound responsibility. Only the community of common concern, a multi-directional, multi-angle to take corresponding measures, and establish an effective mechanism to make "Left-behind Children" by the normal, healthy, good education, so that they and their peers, like the healthy&n上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] ... 下一页 >> |