大班-小班-- 200711B1 小组成员-- 陈晓挺、黄方圆、颜小剑、赵林伟、王宏伟 负责人-- 陈昱含 指导教师-- 朱莉华 相关学科-- 政治 通用技术 主导学科-- 政治 中文摘要-- 1.白色污染的危害是多方面的,埋入土壤中的塑料制品,对耕作和播种造成了极大的困难,影响了农作物对水分、养料的吸收,污染地下水,使农作物减产甚至不产。如果将塑料燃烧,则会产生大量有害气体,破坏环境。将塑料倒入海洋,若被海鸟、鱼类误食,会造成这些动物死亡,若是缠住一些舰船的螺旋桨,则会造成海上交通事故。 2.目前国际上较为先进的白色污染治理方法 白色污染形成的冠军是塑料不易分解,因此科学家研制了多种自毁可降解的塑料,如生物自毁塑料、化学自毁塑料,医用自毁塑料等,制造这些塑料的指导思想是:在塑料中加入某种化学物质,使塑料能被光、细菌或其他化学物质溶解或消除。这些方法的共同点是造价昂贵,无法与便宜的不可降解塑料竞争。
英文摘要-- From day on, we will witness a major change in the shopping experience across China .The production, sale and use of plastic shopping bags 0.025 mm thick or thinner will be banned, and retailers will be prohibited from providing customers with free plastic bags. Under a State Council decree released in January . Many are doubtful about the fate of such a ban because people are so accustomed to receiving free plastic bags to pack their purchases at check-out counters. Complaints about inconvenience and additional cost have caused some to pressure the ban will be aborted or at least not enforced. But there is no excuse for not enforcing it. The convenience of free plastic shopping bags was at the expense environment . Nobody can tell precisely how many disposable plastic bags are given, used and discarded very day. We all know, from personal experience , that we are guaranteed free supply of such bags to meet packing needs . And we sel[1] [2] 下一页 |