大班-小班-- 200822B3 小组成员-- 高丹丹,丁叮,徐叶青,杨雅静,金娇娇 负责人-- 高丹丹 指导教师-- 李清娟 相关学科-- 物理,化学,生物 主导学科-- 物理,化学 中文摘要-- 生活中,我们有很多东西总是因为保存不好或者使用的不得当,使我们的很多东西都受到无情的摧毁,使它们失去原有的光彩,或者失掉原有的寿命,更或者就永远地和我们说拜拜.这使我们自己的自信心受损,力不从心.若那个东西是我们所喜欢的,我们就更觉得难过了.看到别人的东西都保存的那么好,而我们的东西却,真是好不高兴,因此我们要掌握生活小窍门,使我们的东西延长寿命,让它们天天保持好的状态.这样我们就像每天都在使用新的东西.天天都在用好的东西.我们也会觉得很高兴.所以让我们现在开始,掌握好生活的小窍门,让我们现在开始吧. 英文摘要-- In the life, we have many things because always the preservation not good or the use is inappropriate, causes our many things to receive heartless destroying, causes them to lose the original brilliance, or loses the original life, or forever and we said bye-bye. This causes our self-confidence to suffer injury, lacks the ability to do what one would like. If that thing is, we who we like thought that was sad. Saw others' thing preserves that well, but our thing actually, is really very happy, therefore we must grasp live the small know-how, causes our thing extension life, lets them maintains the good condition daily. Like this we look like are using the new thing every day. Is using the good thing daily. We will also think that will be very happy. Therefore lets us start now, grasps the life the small know-how, lets us start now. 关键字-- 巧妙|窍门|生活 研究意义-- 使我们生活中的东西每天都焕发出活力,延长它们的寿命.使生活更加便捷
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