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作者:温岭中学  文章来源:温岭中学  点击数  更新时间:2008/6/28 20:20:07  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

  这项最新的研究成果可能会对全球数以亿计的碳酸饮料消费者产生巨大影响。此外,有关食品添加剂的讨论更为白热化。 由于苯甲酸钠可能与碳酸饮料里的维生素C发生反应生成一种致癌物——苯,因此科学界一直对这种防腐剂会否引发癌症而争论不休。英国食品标准局去年一项调查发现有四种品牌的碳酸饮料苯含量过高,这些品牌已经不在英国市场上销售。

  随着这项最新研究成果的出炉,26日晚英国议员们纷纷要求对这种防腐剂进行紧急调查。 派珀建议父母们谨慎考虑给孩子们购买碳酸饮料,即便这些饮料已经通过了安全测试。他表示,那些经常地、大量地喝碳酸饮料的孩子特别需要注意。




The soda industry has come full circle. In the beginning, carbonated water was an elixir of good health. This health beverage eventually evolved into the multi-billion dollar carbonated soft drink industry we know today, although not necessarily known for healthfulness.

Slowly over the past twenty years, there has been a return to early health and functional benefits in this category, in part as a response to the growing popularity of bottled waters, teas and fruit drinks and influenced by critics, who suggest that the industry is partially to blame for the growing incidences of obesity and diabetes in America. The segment is finally coming into its own with major and niche soda manufacturers creating new products specifically in terms of: "New Age Carbonated Beverages," a term encompassing non-alcoholic drinks positioned as value-added healthy alternatives to CSDs.


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